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Essex De-Amalgamation Update
In our continuing search for information that will help us win our de-amalgamation battle, we’ve recently uncovered some surprising, but infuriating, news.
The facts we’ve come across now lead us to realize that many of our Provincial Legislators (MPP’s), prior to any amalgamations, were aware of the disruptions and the confusion they were about to bring upon large numbers of municipalities and their citizens.
On December 19, 1996, Dalton McGuinty, then leader of the opposition, stated while in the legislature, “With each passing day, people are becoming more and more aware that your Mega-city madness is about three things: Mega-Taxes, Mega-Cuts to services and Mega-Dictatorship by the province.”
During the year between December 1996 and December 1997, on at least 22 separate occasions, Mr. McGuinty made similar public statements in the legislature, expressing his party’s strong opposition to municipal amalgamations. John Gerretsen made nearly as many public expressions of his opposition to municipal mergers. Today, they’re singing a different song.
Subsequently, The prestigious C.D. Howe Institute of Toronto, published the results of an extensive research project they had completed. The report was entitled….“Local Government Amalgamations – Discredited Nineteenth-Century Ideals Alive in the Twenty-First.” The main thrust of their research concluded that, “Smaller, more flexible local governments are much better able to provide services and governance, at less cost, than monolithic amalgamations.”
If you want something that complicates a belief in God, try coming to terms with a legislature packed with individuals claiming to be among God’s special creatures..??
These lawmakers were aware that the actions they were taking would quite likely bring about chaos, confusion and municipal disarray.
We should all be very, very angry…!! Furious..!! Mad-as-hell.
Bruce Macdonald
South Colchester – Harrow Action Committee
Premier looking to buy our vote on election day
Our Ontario premier is to be congratulated. He's come up with a creative, new approach for financing his re-election campaign.
I'm certain that many have noticed the recent flurry of announcements telling us that some of our pet projects are now to be given financial boosts from the coffers of the provincial government.
Recently, we were told that a surplus of more than $2 billion was discovered "hidden away" somewhere in the cash drawers of our provincial treasury, coincidentally weeks away from the next election.
He's industriously funding a plethora of local pet projects, attempting to buy our favour come election day. He's hoping to influence our decision at the polls come Oct.10. Ingenious.
All this is being done at our expense, with our tax dollars, with our tax refunds, with our tax breaks, with our tax cuts.
Normally, government funding of various projects proceeds at the speed of an aging pachyderm. Come election time, I'm amazed at the alacrity, the acceleration, the ability to grease the wheels (palms?) of their spending apparatus.
There ought to be a law.